Elizabethan English Terms

Word                                                  Definition
1. alack                                    a sad sigh
2. anon                                                      soon
3. Aye                                                       yes
4. bite one's thumb                  an insult -
5. coz                                  friend/ cousin
6. cur                                                             jerk (literally dog)
7 doff                                                           remove
8 envious                                                  evil
9 God den                               good  afternoon
10 haply                                                   perhaps
11 hath                                                       have
 12 heavy                                                   sad
13 hie                                   hurry
14 hind                                                          coward
15 hither                                                      here
16 knave                                                      stupid male
17 mutiny                                                   violence
18 prodigious                                        having bad luck
19 Salutations                                         hello
20 shillings/chinks                           coins/cash
21 stay                                                              to put up with
22 sweetmeats                                      candy
23 teen                                     sorrow
24 thee                                                             you
 25 thy,thine                                               your
26 verb (ed)                                               pronounce the ed lov*ed
27 wilt                                       will
28 would                                                        wish
29 Adieu                                                         good bye
30 scathe                                to injure
31 foe                                   enemy
32 rapier                                                      small sword
33 Fare Thee Well                              Sincerely,