Word Study #5 from "The Sniper" and "Cranes"


1.     beleaguered –                            overwhelmed                         

2.     sniper -                                       an assassin w/a gun

3.     ruse -                                         a complicated trick   

4.     silhouette –                                 a shadow/outline

5.     remorse –                                   guilt,           

6.     avert -                                        to look away      

7.     obstruction                                 a blockage

8.     constitute                                    to make     

9.     mainstay –                                 the biggest part - pizza

10.                        refuge –                             a safe place        

11.                        intolerance –                    no understanding

12.                        coerce –                          to force

13.                        abhor –                               to hate

14.                        optimist –                            a positive person

15.                        negotiations –                   compromises

16.                        subdue –                            to calm

17.                        theme –                          what the author is teaching

18.                        dramatic irony –            when the audience knows what the
                                                   characters don’t

19.                        verbal irony –                a character says the opposite  of
                                                 what he/she means

20.                        situational irony –      the unexpected